a person wearing a white coat and gloves touching a digital screen

Pioneers in Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery

Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery Collaborative

We Serve Our Community

Educate & Collaborate

We host regular workshops that are important for medical staff to come together, share knowledge, and learn about minimally invasive pancreas surgery. These allow experts to demonstrate their transferrable skills and create a learning environment for healthcare professionals.

Train & Mentor

Our training and mentoring programs enable professional growth for all medical practitioners interested in MIPS. They provide the latest industry insights, best practices, and tools for them to tackle challenges head-on. In turn, it allows them to perform at an optimal level and adapt to rapidly evolving circumstances effortlessly.

Research & Distribute

We focus on creating a platform for studying minimally invasive surgery for the pancreas. By participating in our research programs, individuals can contribute to medical progress and improve the lives of many patients. Researchers have an opportunity to make a significant impact in this rapidly changing field.

In Association With

AANZHPBA Organization Logo

AANZHPBA is an Australian and New Zealand professional organization improving care for liver, pancreas, and biliary system diseases. It includes respected surgeons, hepatologists, and gastroenterologists. AANZHPBA promotes clinical excellence, research, and education.

They organize conferences and share knowledge for collaborative advancements in hepatopancreatic-biliary medicine, ensuring high-quality, evidence-based care.

This commitment to growth and patient-centered care makes AANZHPBA a leader in HPB medicine, resulting in better outcomes and quality of life for patients.